If it weren't for all those total idiots, your life would be great. After all, you're a good driver, a sensible friend, a acceptable co-worker, a careing mate, and most of all you know how to stand in line without cutting. However", if your not angry' you're not paying attention." as the bumper sticker says "We might all be better if we weren't paying attention to the tailgating jerk behind us", the woman searching in her cell phone, or the waiter who thinks he's Gods gift. Centuries before the bumper sticker, eighteenth century poet Thomas Grey said "Ignorance is bliss" and no doubt that is still true today.
You notice every little tic and injustice and spend your hours wondering why people are the way they are. Am I right thus far? and who can blame you there is a lot to vent about these days from war and destruction of this beautiful planet God has given us, to the climb in reality t.v. shows.All the way down to telemarketers and the soaring price of gas and coffee. We live in congested cities, fighting for rsources, jamming up highways and rubbing shoulders with each other.
Annoyance isn't good for you either. However for some reason we crave anger as much as we crave sex, food, or drugs. Research shows that aggression engages the brains reward pathways and releases dopamine.Experts believe that anger is best suppressed not expressed but i disagree and this is why I journal and blod regularly!
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